
Changing lives, one Heart at a time.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Survive vs Thrive

So what is this 'In a Heartbeat' all about?

It's about the fact that life is forever handing us change and asking us to do one of two things with it: Survive or Thrive. 

Life can change 'in a heartbeat' and whether it's your health, your loved one's health, your finances in this sketchy economy, your job, or a myriad other life changing events, change is something you can either embrace or fight. You can accept that change is the only constant in life and Thrive, or tolerate the changes that come your way and merely Survive.


An opportunity came along recently in the most unexpected of places, a parking lot at a local Fred Meyer.  On the way out from a shopping trip, I ran into a friend, who also happens to be a really successful businessman and entreprenuer.  While chatting about our families, he mentioned that he is now the CEO for Ekachai International Group, and is tasked with expanding Synergy Worldwide's international footprint. Synergy Worldwide produces a line of high quality supplements, including the cardiovascular supplement ProArgi-9 Plus.

"Gee," I said, "I want to work for you!"

He looked at me for a second and then fished out his business card, and told me to check Synergy Worldwide out.  

"Anybody can do this," he said. 

Now I am a busy Mother and we already own one business.  As my younger kids are approaching school age, I have really been looking for the right opportunity to get back into the earning sector.   Although I have researched opportunities to work from home, I have always been skeptical.   But frankly, this friend is so successful I could not wait to get home and see what this was all about!

I logged onto his website and clicked play, watching three videos one right after the other.  (You can watch  A Miracle Molecule here.)

The videos were riveting, and not only introduced me to Synergy Worldwide, but also to the incredible Nobel Prize winning molecule L-arginine.  I think my jaw actually dropped!  I had no idea that cardiovascular disease was such a huge problem in the United States,  and I had never heard of a natural supplement that was changing lives the way ProArgi-9 does. 

Never mind that my very successful friend was recommending this great company, the message in these videos was so powerful I couln't wait to find out more. After meeting with him to learn about the business opportunity, I learned that Synergy Worldwide is a debt free company, publicly traded, and generated over 100 million in sales last year. I signed up and haven't looked back!

Synergy Worldwide is providing me with the opportunity to do what I have always wanted to do ~ Help others, market a product that I truly believe in, and pursue financial freedom for my family.

I have been blogging for while now, so starting a blog to share what I am learning, what kinds of marketing tecniques I am trying, introduce new Synergy products, mentor future down-liners, and generally just provide a forum for the business and these great products was a logical first step! 

So here I am, pursuing a dream, and I wake up every day excited and full of ideas about how to share these exciting products and opportunities with people.  I can't wait to hear about your Synergy experience, answer your questions, share ideas, and learn from each other! 

Let's do it!

J. Christie Martin